Thursday, February 14, 2008


My family consist of Me, My wife, My son (Precious 7years) and My daughter (Praise 3years). Its fun to watch our kids grow and I am happy to share some internal communications between Mum and Child (Precious) on this page, of course Praise is the Messenger.

Scenario 1:

Precious sent a note to her Mum through Praise to come and inspect the kitchen after he has cleaned it.

Scenario 2:

On another ocassion. Praise and Precious wanted to go out and play with our neighbours kids. Here is the communication between Precious and her mum and Praise being the messenger.
PRECIOUS: Mummy I want me and Praise to go outside pls. Thanks Mum.
and the Mum replied: Not now.
PRECIOUS: Pls I beg you in the name of God you hear, Okay.

This is funny! and I'm going to keep this till he's of Age. So I can show him what stuff he is while growing up. Its valentine. I've got to go now. See ya.

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