Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Lagos no easy.

The new BRT

First in Africa. Made possible by Lagos State Govt. NIGERIA.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Meeting of minds

This two? They are inseparable. Yemisi Azaino and Maria Taire. They are both two wonderful colleagues of mine. Let me say a little about each of them. Maria is gentle to a fault. She can't even hurt a fly. Yemisi is a jolly good fellow, you can't have any dull moment around her. She is a copywriter here while Maria works in Client Service Dept.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


My family consist of Me, My wife, My son (Precious 7years) and My daughter (Praise 3years). Its fun to watch our kids grow and I am happy to share some internal communications between Mum and Child (Precious) on this page, of course Praise is the Messenger.

Scenario 1:

Precious sent a note to her Mum through Praise to come and inspect the kitchen after he has cleaned it.

Scenario 2:

On another ocassion. Praise and Precious wanted to go out and play with our neighbours kids. Here is the communication between Precious and her mum and Praise being the messenger.
PRECIOUS: Mummy I want me and Praise to go outside pls. Thanks Mum.
and the Mum replied: Not now.
PRECIOUS: Pls I beg you in the name of God you hear, Okay.

This is funny! and I'm going to keep this till he's of Age. So I can show him what stuff he is while growing up. Its valentine. I've got to go now. See ya.


Its been a while that I have been absent. Never mind me. Its Bluebird thats has taken all over me. We set a target of N600million in 2007 and by Mid Year its like its not going to happen. But trust God for His mercies, by November we overshoot the budget and we ended up with about N1.4billion. All through the help of God and the dexterity of our EVC Mr Kunle Ogunmefun and our MD (The one popularly known as Bobby) Mr Yinka Daramola. It may interest you to know that every member of staff were happy because of the surplus declared in December as bonus and the profit shared by member of staff alone is in the excess of over N2million. Infact, some of us went home with Ghana Must Go (Bag).

This is year the budget is N2.5million and we are hoping and counting on God to do it again. We will be going on retreat on the 22nd of this month to put our strategy together towards moving this agency forward. I'll keep you posted.