Friday, April 28, 2006


This is a first for me and i'm having real fun. Just yesterday i completed my web presence on google page. its on and running now. You want to see it. Click here. It took me three days. You are laughing. Well three day to me deserve a pat in the back. I'm not a webmaster. Here I am today with a new blog. Never mind, I'm being fascinated day by day about web pages and publication. Anyway Welcome.

On this page you'll get to read more about me my creative thoughts and happenings around me here in Nigeria, My family, Friends and my loving career, Advertising.

Want to know more about me! Read the lines below.

Seye is a stickler for the unusual, a graduate of Graphic Design from Yaba College Of Technology.

I started my career in advertising in 1991 and has worked with Magnum Gold Limited
(Now M-Gold Communications), Eminent Communications as an Art Director before joining Bluebird.

I presently oversee the Creative activities here in Bluebird Communications

Seye is a registered Associate Member of The Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON)

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